
Calefax - Song of the Reed

za 16 nov / 20:15 / Nieuwe Kerk

In Song of the Reed ontmoet het rietkwintet één van de beroemdste zangers van Iran: Mohammad Motamedi. Samen brengen de musici een kruisbestuiving van traditionele Iraanse liederen met instrumentale klassieke muziek.

Song of the Reed gaat over heimwee hebben naar de oorsprong. Het beroemde gelijknamige gedicht van de 13e-eeuwse mystieke dichter Rumi beschrijft de pijn van hen die afgesneden zijn van hun thuis, zoals een rietstengel die is losgesneden van zijn rietbed. Eeuwenoude Perzische poëzie vormt een onuitputtelijke bron voor Iraanse liederen. De specialiteit van Motamedi is om deze verzen te voorzien van sierlijke melodieën.


After Me
Unknown (arr. Rafael Fraga)
Text by Omar Khayyam

Kaveh Vares 
Based on a melody by Mohammad Motamedi
Text by Soheil Mahmoudi

Sheida (arr. Mehdi Abdi)
Text by Ali Akbar Sheyda

Improvisation on Ghazal no. 12
Mohammad Motamedi and Pouriya Jaberi
Text by Jalal Aldin Mohammad Balkhi (also 
known as Rumi and Molana)

Ich muss dich lassen
Heinrich Isaac, Johann Sebastian Bach,
Johannes Brahms (arr. Raaf Hekkema)
Text by Mohammad Motamedi

Arefeh Hekmatpanah

Billy Strayhorn (arr. Raaf Hekkema)

Syrinx (after Claude Debussy)
Raaf Hekkema

Mort tu as navré
Johannes Ockeghem (arr. Raaf Hekkema)

Keshmakesh (an old Persian Song)
Unknown (arr. Aftab Darvishi)
Text by Mohammad Motamedi and Aref 


Pouriya Jaberi

Unknown (arr. Mehdi Abdi)

Lees de liedteksten


Oliver Boekhoorn oboe, duduk
Raaf Hekkema saxophone
Alban Wesly bassoon
Jelte Althuis bass clarinet 
Bart de Kater clarinet

Mohammad Motamedi vocals, ney 
Pouriya Jaberi daf, tanbur


Calefax is a close-knit ensemble of five reed players united by a shared passion. For more than thirty-five years they have been acclaimed in the Netherlands and abroad for their virtuosic playing, brilliant arrangements and innovative stage presentation. They are the inventors of their own genre: the reed quintet. They provide inspiration to young wind players from all over the world who follow in their footsteps.

Mohammad Motamedi is an Iranian traditional singer and ney (reed flute) player. He has worked with the great maestros of Iranian music such as Alexander Rahbari, Mohammadreza Lotfi and Hossein Alizadeh. In addition to concerts in his home country, Motamedi has performed at Carnegie Hall in New York and the Theatre de la ville in Paris.

Pouriya Jaberi is an Iranian percussionist based in the Netherlands. He specialises in various traditional Iranian percussion instruments such as the daf and tanboor. In recent years, Jaberi has performed with various ensembles at festivals in Armenia, Australia, Norway, Turkey and England

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