Indonesian National Orchestra
In collaboration with Tong Tong Festival
Thu 23 May
Thu 23 May ’24
Thu 23 May ’2420:00 - 21:30Danstheater
Ooievaarspas discount
Ooievaarspas holders are eligible for a discount on the ticket price for this concert. To book tickets, we need to see your Ooievaarspas for registration purposes. Please contact our booking office to book your tickets.
- Franki Raden Music Director, Gong, Kentongan (Bamboo Drum), Bedug (Bass Drum)
- Satya Cipta Soprano, Trompong (Gong Chimes)
- Gugun Gumelar Kecapi (zither), Kentongan
- Soegiarto Hartono Melodic Kolintang (Xylophone)
- Fanie Johanis Gara Bass Kolintang (Xylophone)
- Andreas Wahyudi Double Bass
- Hendri Desmal Voice, Didgeridoo, Serunai (double reed), Taganing (drum chimes), Kentongan
- Ade Juhana Sundanese Kendang (drum set), Kentongan, Didgeridoo
- Dwiki Pebriansyah Suling (Bamboo Flute), Tarompet (double reed), Rebab (fiddle)
- Hendy Kurnia Voice, Rebana Kecimping, Marawis, Biang (large & small frame drum)
- Aripin Effendi Voice, Rebana Kecimping, Marawis, Biang
- Mohammad Fahrurrozi Voice, Rebana Kecimping, Marawis, Biang
- Anindya Putri Notosudirdjo Tour Manager