

Stichting Amare (formerly Stichting Dans- en Muziekcentrum and Zuiderstrandtheater) manages the building of Amare, organises the programming and fulfils the role of connector of all the permanent residents: Residentie Orkest The Hague, Nederlands Dans Theater and the Royal Conservatoire.

Amare unites and inspires people through music and dance from all cultures. Unlike language, music and dance are forms of human expression that are truly universal and can be understood across all cultures. Language separates cultures, dance and music unite cultures. They are also uniquely capable of uniting a city, region and country. 

Amare is dedicated to inspiration, inclusiveness, and personal encounter. We profile ourselves through music and dance as a vibrant and international venue. We host a wide range of international students, performers and companies, who can further their development and present themselves here. At Amare, people can pause for a moment, give in to wonder, and connect with the city. We are at the heart of the city and also wish to form the heart of society. Through our activities we contribute to the city’s societal challenges such as loneliness, segregation, sustainability and healthy living.

Artistic profile
Stichting Amare offers room for diverse qualities and audience experiences. We promote artistic innovation, professionalism and quality for a broad public. This requires a pursuit of both depth and breadth: to appreciate an amateur performance as well as a virtuoso accomplishment. Amare does not belong to us, but to the community. What matters first is the impact of our activities, which can constantly evolve. 

Our goals

  • To offer music and dance, across the full spectrum 
    Amare’s programming is carried by the Residentie Orkest and NDT, and we would like to further complement it with a wide variety of styles and genres of music and dance from across the world. This profile makes us unique in the region and in the Netherlands.
  • To grow and increase new target groups 
    We wish to keep the audience groups that Stichting Amare has already bound to Amare. We also seek to engage audience groups that might otherwise not be inclined to visit Amare, particularly the Young Cultural Explorers and the Browsing Pleasure Seekers. We carefully monitor the groups we reach with our programmes, and adjust course where necessary.
  • To be a house of culture at the heart of the city 
    We aim to continue developing Amare as a ‘third place’: a social setting besides home and work. A lively public space with constant activities, where performers, artists, visitors and passersby can meet. Our goal is for everyone to feel at home in Amare, to feel free and to be captivated. To achieve this we not only open our doors wide, but also reach out to actively collaborate with diverse partners. 


The foundation’s primary purpose
To promote the realisation and organisation of events of general cultural interest, the performance of which shall mainly occur inside the theatre complex.

Composition of the Board
The foundation has a managing director (Leontien Wiering), who is also director under the articles of association, and a Supervisory Board.

Supervisory Board
Mr J.H.A.S. Biesheuvel, chair
Mw. Drs. E.A. Bien, member
Mw. Drs. H.I.P. Oppatja, member
Mw. R. Drigpal-Nagesar, member

Remuneration Policy
The director is remunerated in accordance with the Cao Nederlandse Podia (Collective Employment Agreement for Dutch Stage Venues) and the Richtlijn Bezoldiging Directeuren (Guideline for the Remuneration of Directors). All members of the Supervisory Board perform their duties without remuneration. The remaining staff is covered by the Cao Nederlandse Podia.

ANBI data

RSIN/Tax Identification Number

Chamber of Commerce number

Spuiplein 150
2511 DG Den Haag
The Netherlands

Postal Address
PO Box 11543
2502 AM The Hague
The Netherlands

T +31(0)70 88 00 300

More about our organisation