Amare for everyone
At Amare, we want everyone to be able to enjoy the theatre and culture! Having any kind of impairment, whether visible or not, shouldn’t stop anyone from visiting Amare. We work with a number of specialised organisations to make our programmes and activities as accessible as possible.
This page offers more information about your visit to our theatre.
For hearing-impaired visitors
Hearing assistance
The Danstheater and Concertzaal are fitted with a hearing assistance system for hearing-impaired visitors. For this you need a receiver that can be collected at the reception, from one hour before the start of the programme. This is not an audio induction loop system.
- If you use a hearing aid with PTT switch/induction, you can use induction hooks. These will be provided to you by the reception, with the receiver system.
- Visitors who use a hearing aid without induction or do not use any hearing aid are requested to bring their own headphone or ear buds with mini-jack connection, which can be connected to the receiver. You can also borrow a headphone from the reception.
The Amare Studio, Conservatoriumzaal and Nieuwe Kerk do not have a hearing assistance system.
Sign language interpreter
To make performances accessible for hearing-impaired visitors, we use Dutch signers and speech-to-text interpreters. The signers are clearly visible at specifically designated places. You can reserve these places through the ticket desk, by email to or by phoning 070 88 00 333 (Tuesday to Friday, 13:00 - 18:00).
Performances with sign language interpreter
For sight-impaired visitors
Practical information
In all halls, 4 seats are reserved by default for sight-impaired visitors, on the first row (in Amare Studio there are 2 seats). You can reserve these seats through the ticket desk, by email to or by phoning 070 88 00 333 (Tuesday to Friday, 13:00 - 18:00).
Assistance dogs
Assistance dogs are welcome. We do ask visitors to notify us in advance so that our staff is aware of it. You can notify us by email to
Stichting Komt het zien!
The Komt het zien! foundation makes theatre accessible for sight-impaired people by means of live audio description and special introductions. Komt het zien! will receive you in the theatre at an easily accessible central location (indicated with their own flag).
Prior to the performance
You will receive an introduction about the performance by email, a few days prior to the show. The introduction is available as digital text and as spoken audio, and provides visual information about the costumes, the décor and actors. In the theatre itself, Komt het zien! sets up a meeting spot with a clearly recognisable flag, and a so-called ‘meet & feel’ introduction is provided. This introduction varies depending on the performance, but the interpreter always describes the décor and the costumes. You are usually also introduced to the actors’ voices, and you can see or touch the costumes and decor from up close.
During the performance
During the performance, an interpreter will describe what’s going on via a headphone. You only hear the interpreter via the headphone. You will hear the texts, songs and music of the performance directly, just like all the audience. You will be seated among the rest of the audience. The interpreter is in a soundproof space (usually the light control room), invisible and inaudible to others.
Performances with Komt het zien!
Sat 15 Feb ’2519:00 - 20:45
For mobility-impaired visitors
Visitors using a wheelchair
For information about hall accessibility with a wheelchair, please see the page Halls & Public spaces. Here you’ll find all the information about the accessibility of and around halls for visitors using a wheelchair.
Ordering tickets
It is not yet possible to reserve a wheelchair place via our website. You can reserve a wheelchair place through the ticket desk, by email to or by phoning 070 88 00 333 (Tuesday to Friday, 13:00 - 18:00).
Group orders
Most of our halls can accommodate a group of wheelchair users wishing to attend a performance together. Please contact the ticket desk about this option.
Wardrobe and lockers
The wardrobe on the first floor of Amare (by the ‘Traptribune’) has two special lowered sections that meet the ITS (accessibility) standard. Here the desk is 1 metre high. The entire bottom row of lockers, located next to the wardrobe, is accessible for visitors using a wheelchair. These lockers are approximately 52 cm off the ground.
Revolving doors
To enter Amare, visitors must pass through revolving doors. There aren’t any normal doors that visitors can use. The revolving doors have a button to activate the wheelchair setting. By pushing the button, the rotational speed of the doors is reduced, making it easier to pass through. A single section of the revolving door is at least 1.2 m2, fitting an average wheelchair plus an accompanying visitor.
Dropping off & Parking
- On account of the construction work, it is currently not possible for visitors to Amare to be dropped off by car directly at the entrance to Amare. The nearest drop-off spot is roughly 100 metres from the Turfhaven entrance (at the Central Station-side). To get there by car, approach via Fluwelen Burgwal, crossing the tram tracks at Muzentoren. This is where the visitor can be dropped off, and the car can then be parked in Q-Park Muzenplein.
- Q-Park Spui is located directly under Amare. You can easily access Amare by lift from the parking garage. The parking garage has 3 parking places for wheelchair users, located near the lift.
- Visitors to Nieuwe Kerk can be dropped off at the door using the driveway to Nieuwe Kerk. The car cannot stay here but can be parked for instance in one of the Q-Park parking garages on this page.
Users of a mobility scooter or rollator
Users of a mobility scooter or rollator are very welcome in Amare. However, the scooter or rollator cannot be taken into the hall, right up to the visitor’s seat. Rollators are parked in the hallway by Entrance 1 of the Concertzaal, or behind Row 23 inside the Danstheater.
Users of a mobility scooter have two options to get to their seats in the hall:
1. The scooter can be parked on the ground floor by a charging station (near the ticket desk). You can then borrow a wheelchair from the ticket desk, with which the visitor can travel or be taken to their seat in the hall.
2. The visitor travels to the lobby (Foyer) of the performance hall, switching to a borrowed wheelchair there (or walks to the seat if possible).
For visitors with sensory hypersensitivity
More information about visiting Amare will be provided here soon.