Meet Amare Next – platform for young professionals

Thu 17 Oct / 19:30 - 22:00
Thu 17 Oct ’24
19:30 - 22:00
  • Thu 17 Oct ’24
    19:30 - 22:00

Enter Amare Next: the business platform for young professionals (target age 25-40) in The Hague. Connect with like-minded people and get inspired by a perfect mix of culture ánd business!

Amare Next Event powered by Siemens – Thu 17 Oct
On Thursday evening October 17, we invite you to experience Amare through the eyes of other young professionals during the first event of Amare Next powered by Siemens. With speakers and performances by young professionals of the Royal Conservatoire, Residentie Orkest and Holland Dance Festival – all located in Amare. Let the possibilities of the performing arts surprise you!


19:30   Welcome to Amare!
20:00   The young professionals of Amare will tell you everything about working in the performing arts. They’ll of course give a preview of their talent as well! Starring Kaja Majoor (Royal Conservatoire), Iedje van Wees (Residentie Orkest) and Tomás Lopes (Holland Dance Festival).
21:00   Have a drink while enjoying records by DJ Manou
22:00   Bye! 

Amare Next & Young Siemens

Since 2023 Siemens Nederland has joined the Amare Member Club, the business network of Amare's cultural center in The Hague. For decades, Siemens has contributed to arts, culture, and the development of young talent in The Hague, the city where the tech company has had its home since 1891. By supporting Amare, Siemens contributes to the realization of a diverse program at this beautiful theater in the heart of the city, offering unforgettable evenings for residents of The Hague and beyond.

Combining the cultural and corporate world
The young colleagues at Siemens, united under Young Siemens, play a leading role in the collaboration with Amare. Together they are co-hosting a new event, Amare Next. This event focuses on young professionals and aims to combine the cultural and corporate world. Jochem Mark, chairman of Young Siemens, says: "The diversity of arts and culture that come together at Amare is incredibly inspiring and complements our existing activities perfectly. The location at the Spui is fantastic. We look forward to a wonderful evening with valuable networking moments."

Practical information
During the event there will be a photographer present. If you are uncomfortable with having your picture taken, you can speak to her at the event to avoid recognizable pictures of yourself.

Get to know the young professionals of Amare

Kaja Majoor – Royal Conservatoire
Kaja Majoor (1998) is a Polish-Dutch professional violinist and illustrator based in The Hague. She graduated in 2020 from the Royal Conservatoire, and graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy in 2023. She follows the NAIP (New Audiences and Innovative Practice) Master to combine her musical and artistic skills. During the Amare Next Event powered by Siemens, she will tell you about this journey and her plans for the future!

Kaja is currently working on 'Seeing Sounds', an interdisciplinary performance that explores synesthesia through homemade graphic scores. During the event Kaja will give a preview of this performance together with cellist Diederik Smulders. 

Iedje van Wees – Residentie Orkest
Iedje van Wees (1995) is a Dutch professional cellist. She did her bachelors at the Conservatorium Maastricht and completed her masters at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Köln, Germany. For over a year she has been part of the Residentie Orkest as deputy leader in the cello group. During the Amare Next Event powered by Siemens she will explain what this job entails, what it’s like to work in an orchestra and how she got this job. 

During the event, Iedje will also give a short performance together with her colleague violinist Francisca Portugal. 

Tomás Lopes – Holland Dance Festival
Tomás Luís Lopes (1998) is a Portuguese dancer, choreographer and producer who is currently based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He graduated from Codarts in 2020 with a Bachelors in Performing Dance, during which he interned at De Stilte. He is currently a producer for Holland Dance Festival and works on a choreography for the third edition of a VR production set for October 2024.

During the Amare Next Event powered by Siemens, Tomás will talk about his artistic development, his journey from student to a young professional with his background in dance and both current and future projects at Holland Dance Festival. 

Kaja Majoor

Violinist and illustrator

Iedje van Wees


Tomás Lopes

Dancer, choreographer and producer