Named Fund
Would you like to support Amare in a highly personal and substantial manner? For donations starting from €50,000 (as a one-off gift, or starting from €10,000 a year for a period of at least five years), we offer the option to establish a Named Fund. A periodic gift that you record in a deed for a period of at least five years will support Amare for the full amount while costing you much less under the current tax scheme.
Without needing to establish a separate foundation, you will have your own Named Fund within Amare. This saves you a lot of time, administration and management. You can choose the name to be associated with the fund, and you can also decide which specific cause, in accordance with Amare’s mission, your gift will support. For example, you can support projects in Amare that focus on education, programming or improving the theatre’s accessibility.
Tax benefits
Supporting Amare can be financially favourable, as your donation entitles you to a tax benefit. An ANBI (public benefit institution) is exempt from gift tax. Your donation is therefore deductible from your income or corporate tax. A donation to a cultural ANBI may be increased by 25%.
The deductible amount depends on the type of gift and on your personal tax rate. Complete the calculation module below to easily see how much a donation to Amare will cost you in total.