Maria João Pires

World Master Pianists
Wed 19 Mar / 20:15
Wed 19 Mar ’25
  • Wed 19 Mar ’25

To our great pleasure, the world-famous Portuguese master pianist Maria João Pires returns to Amare to perform her (previously cancelled) duo recital with the (blind) Spanish master pianist Ignasi Cambra. The announcement itself will be like music to the ears of her countless fans both in and beyond the Netherlands. It is truly an event to look forward to.


Werken voor pianosolo en quatre-mains van o.a. Schubert, Mozart en Debussy

When Maria João Pires takes her seat at the piano and takes you on her spiritual musical journey, all sense of time disappears as you are overwhelmed by pure beauty. Pires takes you by the hand and, gently but with irresistible strength of mind, immerses you in the natural and inexpressible richness of the music.

Cloakroom and drink 
Cloakroom and an intermission drink are included. If the event does not have an intermission, you will receive the drink afterwards.  



Maria João Pires piano
Ignasi Cambra piano