Via Crucis - In memoriam Reinbert de Leeuw

The Netherlands Chamber Choir and Asko|Schönberg
Sun 23 Feb / 16:00 - 17:40
Sun 23 Feb ’25
16:00 - 17:40
  • Sun 23 Feb ’25
    16:00 - 17:40
The Netherlands Chamber Choir and Asko|Schönberg present an impressive program in memory of Reinbert de Leeuw, who passed away on February 14, 2020. Five years after his death, we commemorate the composer, conductor, and pianist with a musical tribute to our shared past.


Franz Liszt Via Crucis 
Sofia Gubaidulina Jetzt Immer Schnee

This special program opens with Liszt's masterpiece Via Crucis, which the Netherlands Chamber Choir recorded with Reinbert in 1987 and which was awarded an Edison. Liszt's intense Stations of the Cross serves as a prelude to an impressive journey through musical emotions. This journey reaches its climax with Jetzt Immer Schnee by the Russian composer Sofia Gubaidulina. Written for Asko|Schönberg and the Netherlands Chamber Choir, this work premiered in 1993 under Reinbert's direction. The piece immerses the audience—following the Stations of the Cross—in a white hell of snow. The singers stand as witnesses around the audience, creating a unique experience that reflects Reinbert's personal connection with Gubaidulina.

Cloakroom and drink  
Cloakroom and an intermission drink are included. If the event does not have an intermission, you will receive the drink afterwards.  

Ooievaarspas discount  
Ooievaarspas holders are eligible for a discount on the ticket price for this concert. To book tickets, we need to see your Ooievaarspas for registration purposes. Please contact our booking office to book your tickets.  


Netherlands Chamber Choir
Peter Dijkstra chief conductor
Paolo Giacometti