Mell VF
Tue 6 May
Tue 6 May ’25
Tue 6 May ’2519:45 - 21:45Danstheater
1e Rang Regular € 29,00 Youths up to the age of 29 and students (bring ID or student card) € 11,00 2e Rang Regular € 26,00 Youths up to the age of 29 and students (bring ID or student card) € 11,00
Ooievaarspas discount
Ooievaarspas holders are eligible for a discount on the ticket price for this concert. To book tickets, we need to see your Ooievaarspas for registration purposes. Please contact our booking office to book your tickets.
Mell Jonk zang
Ton Dijkman drums, gitaar en backing vocal
Martin Scheppink Hammond, voetbas, keys en backing vocals
Ton Dijkman drums, gitaar en backing vocal
Martin Scheppink Hammond, voetbas, keys en backing vocals