Schumann & Voices
Joe Puglia & Paul Komen
Tue 17 Jun
Tue 17 Jun ’25
Tue 17 Jun ’2520:15Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague
1e Rang Regular € 35,00 Youths up to the age of 29 and students (bring ID or student card) € 11,00 2e Rang Regular € 27,50 Youths up to the age of 29 and students (bring ID or student card) € 11,00
Robert Schumann Sonates nr. 1
Robert Schumann Sonate nr. 2
Met inserties van nieuwe Voices of the Violin stukken
Ooievaarspas discount
Ooievaarspas holders are eligible for a discount on the ticket price for this concert. To book tickets, we need to see your Ooievaarspas for registration purposes. Please contact our booking office to book your tickets.
Joseph Puglia viool
Paul Komen piano