
Karaoke Moon
Wed 3 Dec
Wed 3 Dec ’25
  • Wed 3 Dec ’25
    Lobby open
    Seated tickets
    From Fri 7 Mar ’25 / 12:00
  • Wed 3 Dec ’25
    Lobby open
    Floor tickets
    From Fri 7 Mar ’25 / 12:00
  • For this event we charge a service fee of €3 per ticket

Warhaus is the solo project and alter ego of Maarten Devoldere, frontman and songwriter of the Belgian indie pop band Balthazar. Exactly two years after his first album Ha Ha Heartbreak, he returns with a new album: Karaoke Moon. Is it fast? No idea. But those who remember the heart-wrenching atmospheres of the previous album will be surprised by the sound of this album.

Warhaus is a bit more mercurial than Balthazar. With his characteristic, dry but still expressive and romantic low voice, he knows how to captivate his audience. His typical, almost spoken vocals are surrounded by guitars, murky percussion, atmospheric synths, strings, and occasional horns. A sound that is remotely reminiscent of Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave and Tom Waits, among others. The melodic sensitivity and ironic poetic lyrics with sometimes black humor, resonant emotion.

Floor tickets and seated ticket
Both floor tickets and seated tickets are available for this concert.

Cloakroom and lockers  
Cloakroom is included in your ticket. You can also store your coat and bag in our lockers.  

Dit concert wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met PAARD

PAARD en Amare hebben de handen ineengeslagen om jaarlijks meerdere grote popconcerten te organiseren in de concertzaal van Amare. Dit concert is onderdeel van deze samenwerking. Bekijk hier het overzicht van alle gezamenlijke concerten.