These Birds are Flying to the North (ALL)

Installation of mechanical birds 
BIG BANG Festival
Sun 13 Apr / 11:00 - 16:30
Sun 13 Apr ’25
11:00 - 16:30
  • Sun 13 Apr ’25
    11:00 - 16:30
    Park (1e verdieping)
    Free walk in

Immerse yourself in the liveliest of aviaries! The sound of your footsteps will trigger a bird’s tweet, setting off another and another and so on! These unique and unusual birds have come from far to enchant and interact with you, so don’t disappoint them! Step into their world, but be quick, before they fly off again!  


Serge Verstockt uses 100 caged mecanical birds and let them interact with the audience. 

The installation These Birds are Flying to the North by Belgian composer Serge Verstockt consists of nearly sixty caged mechanical birds. They react to each person's voice and express their joy with cheerful chirping. Once one of them has kicked off the concert, the others will join, and the result can be a pretty decent bird cacophony. This wonderful installation has been touring since 2013, to the delight of audiences everywhere. 

Normally, birds are flying to the South because here it gets to cold in wintertime. But these birds are special: they are flying to the cold North to sing their song in the snow. 

The birds were integrated in a participative way in Hold Your Horses, the first Grand Opéra de Trash by Verstockt and ChampdAction that was premiered in 2013. The birds will now lead their own live in this installation project and other spin off projects. On unusual places you can meet these wonderful birds from the Far East. 

BIG BANG Festival
Deze activiteit is onderdeel van het BIG BANG Festival! Dit internationale muziekfestival is een feestelijke ode aan avontuurlijke muziek en klankkunst voor de jeugd, maar uiteraard is iedereen van harte welkom. Tijdens dit bruisende festival kunnen kinderen vanaf 5 jaar op allerlei manieren kennismaken met muziek; aan de hand van voorstellingen, doe-activiteiten en nog veel meer. Een groot gedeelte van de activiteiten is gratis te bezoeken, dus combineer slim en maak samen een muzikale reis. Bekijk het volledige programma op deze pagina.


Serge Verstock creator
ChampdAction producer