Body Landscape


Body Landscape is een productie van Amare in samenwerking met Meyer & Chaffaud.

Body Landscape wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door:

Throughout the Open Festival, you will run into MEYER-CHAFFAUD’s Body Landscape performance in various locations in Amare. Dancers Jerome Meyer and Isabelle Chaffaud collaborated with 50 dance, theatre and slow martial arts amateurs from a variety of backgrounds to create this opening weekend performance.

The result, Body Landscape, is a series of performances that offer a contrast to the high-energy activities of Amare’s opening weekend, with large groups of amateur performers functioning as a single body. Imagine a body as a landscape caught in another dimension, or a different flow of time. Groups of Body Landscape performers can be found throughout Amare, inviting you to stop and reflect on the space and the dimension you inhabit and the forces that keep driving you forward.

Part of:
Dwalen door Amare op vrijdagavond
Dwalen door Amare op zaterdagavond