Spectacularly symphonic

Residentie Orkest
Festival Dag in de Branding
Fri 21 Mar / 20:15
Fri 21 Mar ’25
  • Fri 21 Mar ’25

One of the great Dutch composers, Klaas de Vries, is turning eighty. The Residentie Orkest celebrates this with the world premiere of his Cada Instante, and with Kurtag and Beethoven. 


Kurtág Stele
Pianoconcert nr. 4 (cadenza’s Klaas de Vries)
De Vries
Cada Instante (wereldpremière)

This season marks the eightieth birthday of one of the great Dutch composers, Klaas de Vries. One of his newest works, Cada Instante, premieres tonight: expect a tremendously large orchestra, with a tremendously large sound. De Vries’s eclectic, experimental approach to music transforms the classical sound into a completely idiosyncratic tonal world. Other pieces to be enjoyed tonight include Kurtag’s deep, pensive Stele and Beethoven’s expressive Piano Concerto No. 4

Cloakroom and drink 
Cloakroom and an intermission drink are included. If the event does not have an intermission, you will receive the drink afterwards.  

No fewer than 115 musicians onstage – that’s an Amare record! It is only fitting that the Residentie Orkest has invited energetic young talents for the purpose: the charismatic conductor Chloe Rooke and the talents of the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague. The night will also see Dutch pianist Hannes Minnaar slip into Beethoven’s skin to perform the innovative Piano Concerto No. 4, for which the cadenzas were written by Klaas de Vries. The overture to the evening is Stele, by one of the greatest composers of the present day: Gyorgy Kurtag. 

Ooievaarspas discount 
Ooievaarspas holders are eligible for a discount on the ticket price for this concert. To book tickets, we need to see your Ooievaarspas for registration purposes. Please contact our booking office to book your tickets.  


Chloe Rooke dirigent
Hannes Minnaar piano