Social Dance: Dancehague
Thu 27 Mar ’2519:00 - 23:00Kunstenplein
Thu 24 Apr ’2519:00 - 23:00Kunstenplein
Thu 22 May ’2519:00 - 23:00Kunstenplein
Thu 26 Jun ’2519:00 - 23:00Kunstenplein
27th of March
19:00-20:00 Urban Kizomba workshop by Joey & Sha from Generation Kiz. No partner or previous experience needed
20:00-23:00 Urban Kizomba social with DJ Dani Fernandes (50% urban Kiz / 50% Bachata)
For this edition we will be working together with dance school Generation Kiz. They will provide you with a 1 hour open level workshop Urban Kizomba.
Mark in your calendar, invite your family and friends and become a part of the Social Dance Community of The Hague.
Social Dance
We regularly organise fun social dances on Amare’s Kunstenplein, in different dance styles such as Latin, tango and lindy hop. Everyone is welcome to join in, from absolute novice to seasoned dancer. A social dance often starts with a dance workshop in a style that suits that evening’s music. The music is provided by a DJ, and sometimes by a live band, ensemble or orchestra. Amare organises these social dances in partnership with dance schools based in The Hague.
Welkom bij Open Amare
In Amare is altijd wel iets te doen en beleven. Onze openbare ruimtes vormen een podium voor de creatieve energie van heel Den Haag. Open Amare is elke dag weer anders, en gratis toegankelijk.
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