roundABOUT (6+)

Tsubasa Hori
BIG BANG Festival
Sun 13 Apr
Sun 13 Apr ’25
  • Sun 13 Apr ’25
    14:00 - 14:40
  • Sun 13 Apr ’25
    16:00 - 16:40

Take a seat in our roundABOUT and enter the sound world of percussionist Tsubasa Hori.

Welcome to roundABOUT. Zonzo Compagnie's new mini-arena opens its doors for the first time. It is a circular magic box that can accommodate a small audience and a soloist and literally surround them with video and sound.

Japanese percussionist Tsubasa Hori is the first to set foot in this magical arena. Her world is that of the taiko drum, but she also plays a whole range of other instruments. Accompanying herself on the Shamisen, she sings songs and narrates.

Her starting point is the Bon dance: a colourful, festive ritual in honour of the spirit realm, the realm of the ancestors that is celebrated extensively in Japan. With video projections by Sarah Yu Zeebroek and Willem Mertens, she evokes a wonderful world, a roundabout of changes and metamorphoses. German director Vera Tussing was responsible for the dramaturgy of the piece and assisted Hori with the choreography.


Ooievaarspas discount 
Ooievaarspas holders are eligible for a discount on the ticket price for this concert. To book tickets, we need to see your Ooievaarspas for registration purposes. Please contact our booking office to book your tickets.

Cloakroom and lockers 
Cloakroom is included in your ticket. You can also store your coat and bag in our lockers. 

BIG BANG Festival
Deze activiteit is onderdeel van het BIG BANG Festival! Dit internationale muziekfestival is een feestelijke ode aan avontuurlijke muziek en klankkunst voor de jeugd, maar uiteraard is iedereen van harte welkom. Tijdens dit bruisende festival kunnen kinderen vanaf 5 jaar op allerlei manieren kennismaken met muziek; aan de hand van voorstellingen, doe-activiteiten en nog veel meer. Een groot gedeelte van de activiteiten is gratis te bezoeken, dus combineer slim en maak samen een muzikale reis. Bekijk het volledige programma op deze pagina.


Tsubasa Hori concept, music & musical performance 
Vera Tussing dramaturgy & choreography 
Sarah Yu Zeebroek visual design
Willem Mertens video animation 
Jo Thielemans sound design 
Wouter van Looy concept & stage design
Arthur de Vuyst  technics
Johanna Trudzinski kcostume design 
Lisa Gambey assistant costume design

A production of Zonzo Compagnie & ChampdAction in coproduction with Handelsbeurs and KAAP. With the support of Flanders and the support of Tax Shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government.