Théotime Langlois de Swarte
Thu 29 Sep ’2220:15 - 21:45Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague
During the last 35 years of his life, Pietro Locatelli lived in Amsterdam and, while there, wrote a concerto that got the nickname 'Il pianto d'Arianna' in 1741. The composition is a mini-opera without text, in which the solo violinist plays the rol of the desparate Ariadne. Following the departure of her lover Theseus she goes through various stages of grief: incredulity, fury and finally resignation. Storytelling is part of the genetic make-up of both Locatelli and Théotime and Holland Baroque. The French Théotime is part of the youngest generation baroque-fanatics. He studied at the Conservatoire National, was incorporated into Les Arts Florisants by William Christie and is equally familiar with Leclaire, Fauré, Couperin and Schumann.
Holland Baroque
Théotime Langlois - viool