Emanuel Gat Dance
Thu 13 Mar and Fri 14 Mar
Thu 13 Mar ’25
Fri 14 Mar ’25
  • Thu 13 Mar ’25
  • Fri 14 Mar ’25

French choreographer Emanuel Gat originally wanted to be a conductor, but eventually chose for dance. Following scores by Bach, Boulez and Puccini, among others, he dives into the world of the famous British pop duo Tears For Fears with LOVETRAIN2020. A stunning group of dancers pays tribute to the exuberance of the glorious 80s with its utopian power and epic groove. A group choreography to music from 40 years ago, yet it feels more contemporary than ever.

LOVETRAIN2020 is marvelous. It’s loud, joyous, physical, close. A celebration of the body, of performance of life.

The New York Times

LOVETRAIN2020 reads like a contemporary musical and celebrates themes of connection, life and love, with the interaction between music and movement coming together perfectly. A feast for the senses!

Light-hearted but sophisticated

The group virtuosity in LOVETRAIN2020 consists of baroque costumes, striking chiaroscuro lighting and different colour layers and textures.The senses are visually saturated, perhaps even overwhelmed. Movements speed up, enthusiasm splashes off, colourful fabrics sway around, tulle and fleece spin on the energy of agile bodies.

Strong group moments alternate with duets, trios and even solos. There are moments of peace and quiet, where only the movement continues. The empathy of the dancers combined with their interplay, their precision and purity in performance evoke sympathy.

It makes you yearn to be part of what unfolds before your eyes on stage. It is a lot, it is playful and powerful and grabs you by the throat.

Cloakroom and drink  
Cloakroom and an intermission drink are included. If the event does not have an intermission, you will receive the drink afterwards.  

Ooievaarspas discount  
Ooievaarspas holders are eligible for a discount on the ticket price for this concert. To book tickets, we need to see your Ooievaarspas for registration purposes. Please contact our booking office to book your tickets.